
ROSE’s Breastfriends Training

These events are for information purposes only. The views and opinions expressed in the events do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of Hope for Georgia Moms, Northeast Georgia Health Systems, nor their funders.

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Click here to register for Reaching Our Sisters Everywhere virtual breastfeeding training.

Applicant Criteria:

    1. Has breastfed for at least 6 months within the past 5 years.
    2. Has a positive breastfeeding experience.
    3. Has a vested interest in providing breastfeeding peer support.
    4. Must be willing to participate in the BreastFriend Program for Full 8 weeks.
    5. Must commit to attending training dates.

Application Process:

    1. Complete Application
    2. Application is reviewed
    3. Phone Interviews will take place 2 weeks before the scheduled training
    4. Invitation to training

Click here to register for Reaching Our Sisters Everywhere virtual breastfeeding training.


October 25, 2024
9:30 am - 3:00 pm