Communicating with your patient and their families:
Quality communication can improve patient outcomes, here are some valuable resources to help you get there.
Strong communication skills help prenatal and postpartum providers understand their patients’ symptoms, making it easier to diagnose and treat accordingly. Communication skills form the foundation of a positive patient-provider relationship leading to greater patient satisfaction and better patient outcomes. When patients are engaged in their healthcare, it can lead to improvements in safety and quality. It is important to take steps that make them feel understood and valued during their visit with you.
Here are some tips (adapted from Stanford Medicine) to help improve communication skills for yourself and your staff:
Prepare for each visit
by taking a minute to review the patient’s chart before the clinical encounter so that you can make the interaction more personal.
Take time to really listen to your patients
and answer their specific questions. Do not interrupt or rush patients, and when they have a concern, address that concern. Do not dismiss it. Keep your body language open and receptive (i.e., do not cross your arms, look at your watch, etc.). Do not provide generic information—tailor what you say for that patient.
Take each patient’s personal circumstances into account
because those circumstances can impact their health and outcomes. Make sure you acknowledge successes and give guidance for challenges they are facing. A personalized approach will improve satisfaction.
Don’t forget to watch your patient’s body language
because it can tell you more than what the patient is telling you.
Summarize your conversation
at the end and give your patient a chance to ask any additional questions.
Helpful Resources
Moms deserve respectful and responsive care during pregnancy and delivery.
All patients deserve to be treated with respect and acknowledgment of their value as an individual. The Institute of Medicine defines respectful care as “Providing care that is respectful of, and responsive to, individual patient preferences, needs and values, and ensuring that patient values guide all clinical decisions.” Respectful maternal and newborn care demonstrates:
- Respect for a woman’s rights, choices, and dignity
- Care that does no harm
- Care that promotes positive parenting and improves birth outcomes
- Care that is culturally sensitive and valued by a woman and her community
According to a recent CDC study, about one in five mothers reported mistreatment during maternity care, and 45% of all mothers reported holding back from talking with their providers about their concerns. Maternal care providers can take these steps to make patients feel respected, understood, and valued during their care:
- Thank your patients for entrusting their trust in you.
- Pay attention to their needs.
- Do not leave them unattended or ignored.
- Listen to your patients.
- Be considerate of your patient’s time.