HOPE for Georgia Moms and the Georgia Perinatal Quality Collaborative (GaPQC) hosted the first annual Maternal Cardiac Roundtable on October 2, 2024. With cardiac conditions being the leading cause of maternal deaths in Georgia, this event convened statewide multidisciplinary stakeholders to recognize the importance of and steps for universal CVD risk assessment among pregnant and 1-year postpartum women across settings. Over 60 Residency and Program Directors from Obstetrics, Emergency Medicine, Family Medicine, and Cardiology participated, as well as Fellows, Doulas, and Persons with Lived Experience.
Dr. Afshan Hameed, a national expert and Cardiologist and Obstetrician from University of California Irvine, was guest speaker at the Georgia Heart Institute’s Grand Rounds and at the event. The event opened with Dr. Charles Wilmer, President of the Medical Association of Georgia, and a maternal cardiac simulation by the NGHS Center for Simulation and Innovation. Additional sponsors were the Georgia Heart Institute, and the Georgia Commission on Women.
Afshan Hameed, MD, FACOG, FACC
Professor, Division of Cardiology
Medical Director, Obstetrics
Medical Director, Quality and Safety
University of California, Irvine
Dr. Afshan Hameed is a Maternal Fetal Medicine Specialist and a Cardiologist at the University of California, Irvine. Board certified in Internal Medicine, Cardiology, OB/GYN and Maternal Fetal Medicine, she is actively engaged at the national level to improve maternal morbidity and mortality particularly due to cardiovascular disease. Dr. Hameed has served on the California Maternal Quality Care Collaborative (CMQCC) Pregnancy Associated Mortality Review Advisory Committee (PAMR) since 2006. She was instrumental in creating the Cardiovascular Disease in Pregnancy Toolkit published by CMQCC. Dr. Hameed chaired the AIM Cardiac Conditions in Obstetrical Care (CCOC) Patient Safety Bundle. She is funded by NIH to study CVD risk assessment in pregnancy. She has many publications in the field and co-authored a book entitled Cardio-Obstetrics: A Practical Guide to Care for Pregnant Cardiac Patients. On a personal note, she is a proud mother of triplet daughters!
“Maternal Mortality: Is Cardiovascular Disease-Related Maternal Mortality Preventable?”

The “5 Why” Activity
The goal of this Scenario is to decide how best to carry out a CVD risk assessment – depending on where you encounter a pregnant or postpartum (up to 1 year) woman in a health setting.
There are 6 Scenarios to choose from:

Step 1.
Find the setting that applies to you and use the “5 Why’s Activity” to understand the root causes of the problem.

Simulation Video